

You were meant to rise.

Here are some frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us if you don’t find the answer here!

Q. Do you take insurance? 
A: The short and simple answer is No. But, there are many reasons we do not.

1. The most important reason is that it allows us the least amount of restrictions in getting you the care you need as quickly as we can. Often times, physical therapy practices must first get insurance authorization to perform your initial evaluation, which can delay the process of getting started. Then, after the initial evaluation, you must request additional insurance authorization to perform the recommended amount and type of treatment. This again can take days to weeks to secure this authorization, which further delays your treatment – and recovery.
2.  Secondly, we don’t want to base the amount of time or the type of treatment you receive based on what insurance tells us we can do. We feel it is most ethical and efficient to provide you the care you need, and the care we are highly trained to performed based on our ongoing evaluation and assessment of your  needs and progress, rather than what we will get “reimbursed” for.
3. Often times, the cost of physical therapy treatments vary based on your insurance type, your deductible, your co-pay or your max out of pocket. That’s a lot of insurance jargon and even more variables. We like to keep it simple with fixed cost amounts. For example,  a PT initial evaluation could cost upwards of $300 if you haven’t met your deductible, then you are responsible for additional treatment costs. You could have already had 3 sessions with us by that time! 

Q: Can I submit for reimbursement from my insurance?
A: Absolutely! While we cannot guarantee payment, we are happy to provide you a receipt of services given along with the other required information for you to submit to your insurance company. We will not participate in the filing process, but we are happy to give you all the information you may need to submit for reimbursement. *Disclaimer: this may depend on insurance type* 

Q: What does a typical session look like?
A: The initial evaluation is used to truly assess your needs and determine the most appropriate approach to help you obtain your goals. Typical treatment sessions last 1 hour and consist of one-on-one treatment with focus on manual therapy. Manual therapy is a skilled approach utilizing hands-on treatment to restore alignment, improve tissue or joint mobility, facilitate more normalized neuromuscular movement and ultimately increase function.

Q: Who benefits the most from this type of treatment? 
A: The person who wants to get better! As a responsible provider, we do not guarantee improvement or complete restoration – and you should be very wary of anyone who does. However, our treatment approaches are strongly founded in science, innovative research and strong clinical practice. If you are committed to your journey of improvement and health, we are committed to giving you the quality of care you deserve.

Q: Where are you located? 
A: Wherever you want to get better! We offer services in your home or work as long as they are within ~7 miles of downtown Fort Worth, TX! We also offer virtual visits when appropriate! 


Do you have additional questions? Please contact us and we will consider adding them to this page!